Ann Arbor Today

Ann Arbor Today

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

My american friend (Mi amiga americana)

We'll always have Smoky Mountains and "Here comes the sun" by The Beatles...
(Siempre nos quedarán las Montañas humeantes y el "Here comes the sun" de los Beatles...)

After almost six years in Ann Arbor, I had to write in english at some point, don't you think?
(Tras casi seis años en Ann Arbor alguna vez tenía que escribir en inglés, ¿no creéis?)

And what better time than now to write a few words to my american friend.
(Y que mejor momento que ahora y para ponerle unas palabritas a mi amiga americana.)

And it is because today, she leaves. After three years working side by side, she leaves the lab today.
(Y es que hoy se va. Tras tres años trabajando codo con codo, hoy deja el laboratorio.)

She is going to do what she really wants, become a doctor. And she will. Not just because the qualifications permit her or because the system approves of her.
It will be because she is orderly, hardworking, enthusiastic and very intelligent.
Because she knows how to listen and provide solutions.
It will be because she is good. Very good.
(Se va a hacer lo que ella realmente desea, ser médico. Y lo será. No porque lo digan unas calificaciones que conseguirá, o porque un sistema la apruebe para serlo.
Lo será por que es ordenada, trabajadora, entusiasta y muy inteligente.
Lo será porque sabe escuchar y dar soluciones.
Lo será porque es buena. Muy buena.)

And despite more than ten years separate us and she laughs at me saying that I'm "like a puppy", she has a maturity that I wish I had had at her age.
(Y a pesar de que nos separen más de diez años y que se ría de mi diciendo que soy como un "cachorrito", tiene una madurez que ya la hubiera querido yo para mi con su edad.)

We have worked together on different projects and it has been a pleasure to do so. I could talk about how much she's helped me over the years and how many times I've thanked her...
(Hemos trabajado juntos en diferentes proyectos y ha sido un placer hacerlo. Podría hablar de lo mucho que me ha ayudado durante todos estos años y cuantas veces se lo he agradecido...)

But as she has so often told me: "Don't thank me, it's my job".
But, how am I not going to thank her? It was not only work; she has done much more than that...
(Pero como tantas veces me dijo: No me des las gracias es mi trabajo.
¿Y como no voy a dárselas? Su trabajo era uno, y ella ha hecho mucho más que eso...)

She has shown me a lot of things, but if there's one thing I appreciate from her above all, is that every morning during these three years she has shown me her smile. No matter if it was snowing or sunny. No matter if she had slept well or poorly, or had problems on her mind. Arriving with my own problems to the lab every morning and seeing someone who smiles at you, makes the sun rise in Michigan.
(Me ha enseñado infinidad de cosas pero si hay una cosa que aprecio de ella por encima de todo, es que todas las mañanas y durante estos 3 años me ha enseñado su sonrisa. Da igual si nevaba o lucía el sol. Da igual si había dormido bien o mal o si tenía problemas rondándole la cabeza o no. Llegar con tus propios problemas al laboratorio cada mañana y ver a alguien que te sonríe hace que salga el sol en Michigan.)

And the most special way I can think of to thank her is dedicating my first post in English on this blog to her; from my little corner, where I can raise my voice louder and reach further. 
It is not a big deal, but hey! no one has gotten me to do it before...
(Y la formas más especial que se me ocurre de agradecérselo es dedicándole mi primer post en inglés en este blog que es mi pequeño rincón, donde puedo alzar la voz más fuerte y llegar más lejos. No es gran cosa, pero ¡oye! nadie había conseguido que lo hiciera antes...)

Dear friend, I wish that everything goes great for you.

Don't stop drawing smiles...
(Querida amiga, te deseo que todo te vaya genial. Que no dejes de dibujar sonrisas.)

And wherever you go and whatever you do, don't stop being "happy, super happy".
Don't stop saying "pfffff" when there is something you don't care about (though I hope I've taught you more than that in all this time...)
We will have morning talks, sangrias and beer memories
We won't lose contact ...

And we'll always, always have that cabin in the Smoky Mountains...
(Que vayas donde vayas y hagas lo que hagas no dejes de ser "feliz, super feliz".
Que no dejes de hacer "pfffff" cuando algo no te importe. Espero haberte enseñado algo más que eso en todo este tiempo...
Que nos queden las charlas de madrugada, las sangrías y las cervezas de media tarde
Que no perdamos el contacto...
Y que siempre, siempre nos quede esa cabaña de las montañas humeantes 

and The Beatles singing to the sun.
y el canto al sol de The Beatles.)

A big kiss and take care friend.
I love you.
(Un besazo y cuídate amiga.
Te quiero.)

PS: Finally, remember me when you're a millionaire doctor and invite me to a barbecue in your giant garden behind your huge mansion in the affluent area of the city.
(PD: Por último, acuérdate de mi cuando seas una doctora millonaria e invítame a una barbacoa en tu jardín gigante detrás de tu enorme mansión en la zona rica de la ciudad.)

4 comentarios:

  1. Finally something in english, I can understand..... What a nice post about Becca, we will all miss her....

  2. I am Rebecca's mom and I thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely tribute to my daughter. I'm happy you published in both Spanish and English as we have family members who communicate in both languages. She is a special person and I'm happy that you two have developed such a special friendship with such great memories to treasure. She has spoken of you often and you sound like a very special person too

    1. Thank you for comment and your words.
      Well, all I can say is that she deserves it. She is really special to me too. She has been a really good friend for me during the last years so I wanted to let her know how much important she is.
